11:11 and Spiritual Evolution

What do repeating numbers mean; I keep seeing 11:11???

It’s About Synchronicity.

Seeing 11:11, noticing synchronicity, and hearing your thoughts echoed on the radio or in a passing conversation, are all affirmations. Sometimes they can help us see that we are aligned with the right path, other times they remind us that something beyond our immediate senses operates for our benefit.

Basically, synchronicity is evidence that there is “more than meets the eye” to our world, and a gentle alert to pay attention. 

Earth is a training ground, or a school, for manifestation.

As we evolve, our thoughts more quickly appear to become reality.

Now, there is the appearance of a lag time, so we can more carefully examine cause and effect. As we become more proficient and responsible with our thoughts and actions, our perception increases to the point that we see the simultaneous nature of the universe

Some individuals employ a system to enable better viewing.  I chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the practice has changed my LIFE.  

Ultimately I believe that meaning is assigned by the one experiencing it, and that an individual’s or a collective’s deep dedication to growth that imbues any mantra’s resonance with meaning

“renge” means lotus which unlike most plants seeds and flowers at the same time. This represents the simultaneous nature of cause and effect, the eternal nature of “now” and our ability to change our karma in a single instant with determination.

NMRK is imbued with lifetimes of dedication and a rich meaning that brings about an ease of understanding- plus often creates a FLOOD of synchronicity.

I experience varieties of synchronicity that aren’t number related, in fact I randomly picked up a coffee table book at my Mom’s place and turned to a page on which was “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” three times, and cited my favorite verse of the Lotus Sutra, one that’s chanted daily. It made an imprint on me that my mom had this in a book I think I must have given her as a mother’s day gift YEARS before, not knowing that I’d be chanting these words religiously in the future.

Two friends were talking about me at a movie theater.  “How’s Julia?” one asked the other “Good, she’s really into this chanting stuff.”  Right by them was a movie poster, and written in marker coming out of a character’s mouth they saw “nam-myoho-renge-kyo”.

I traveled 5 states away- two separate times– two different states and circumstances, and was paired with roommates that chant “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo”. One of these was reading the same chapter of the same book I was. Another ended up being my first QHHT client!

I sat in front of a fellow SGI member, who was chanting for an affirmation that hypnosis was meant for her, and I shared my experiences, unprompted, about learning Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

I found a four leaf clover without looking just to prove to a friend it isn’t about “luck”. He said a four leaf clover couldn’t be found in a small clover patch, and he’s been searching his whole life. I KNEW I was about to prove his theory incorrect, because I felt myself “align”. I bent over and produced a four leaf clover, one he remembers to this day.

Beautiful connections arise as people embrace these types of tools, practices, and philosophies.


I  switched the radio station and said out loud “The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness” at the same exact time as the DJ announced the title of that song. 

I was describing this principle of 11:11 and synchronicity to a friend, and I said,
“It’s like when you randomly look at the clock, and it’s… 11:11“.

We were shocked, for the time on the clock was 11:11 at that exact moment.

The sign of infinity in the space

A good friend was riding in my passenger seat after an auspicious night when she said, “Of course, it’s 11:11 AGAIN!! I’ve been seeing that for a month now.”
“How long have you been chanting…about a month?” I asked her, knowingly
She stared at me with disbelief.

My favorite number is 8, so I take repeating 8’s as a sign. I always seem to notice the odometer when it shows multiples of 8’s.

I told another friend I’d chant for him to be given a guitar, to prove that money isn’t the same as value. Within a month I was given a guitar, one which I passed onto him, one which he later told me may have saved his life.

Photo by Stephen Niemeier on Pexels.com

YOU create synchronicity by aligning.

I’ve heard called many things. It can be described as “knowing“, or “getting into the vortex“. I knew my friends would get what they needed- the guitar, the clover, the affirmation, the healing– because I practice manifesting abundance by aligning MY current with a universal current. I KNOW my prayers are answered, because when I get my mind into a certain energetic state, I get a certain energetic response. Anyone who is willing to accept the abundance benefits.

That’s one thing that makes my dedication to quantum healing tools so extreme-I’ve seen the benefits. When MY dedication aligns with YOUR determination- there are no limits to what we can achieve together.

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Blessings abound when we accept their presence, and they multiply as we share that knowledge and abundance with others. 

2 thoughts on “11:11 and Spiritual Evolution

  1. I see a lot of descriptions of synchronicity in terms of being in tune with this or that, and I agree that’s true, but it also occurs, extravagantly even, in badly conflicted and alienated states. So I don’t see it as a wink that everything is on the right path, but more like an underlying reality showing itself regardless of any special attunement.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good observation. While we may or may not need “special” attunement to experience synchronicity, not everyone seems to witness it. Which is why I see it as a bit of a nod from an intelligent part of “underlying reality” as you call it, or a “sign”. I might suggest that the person who is witnessing synchronicity and is feeling alienated or conflicted is being encouraged to FOCUS more on alignment. So in those cases the person is being directed toward a more aligned OPTION than the chaos of what they are experiencing in the moment. For those straying AWAY from the path, seeing signs might be used as a road sign for how to jump back TOWARD alignment, or even as a simple affirmation that there is more than meets the eye, as you say, an underlying reality at work. So I might look at it – like everything else in our environment- as a reflective communication tool as opposed to a mere algorithm. As we look into the self, the bigger part of us winks.


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