Clients with Notable Lives: Interviewing Dorothy Dix

In THIS life she finds herself cursing randomly- even when nothing is wrong- saying out loud

“I want a divorce”.

But guess what?
She isn’t married.

A Fly Guy (Finally) Comes To Life!

6/14/2024 So… I just helped to bring a dead a fly back to life. I noticed him in yesterday’s coffee cup between 7 and 8am this morning. DEAD. Big dead fly upside down.  It’s not unusual to find a fly in a cup of coffee, but I made a mental note of seeing him. It wasContinue reading “A Fly Guy (Finally) Comes To Life!”

Event: 6/15-Your Past, Parallel, and Future Lives

Notice the connections weaving throughout your Soul’s Tapestry & connect to your many aspects during this live Zoom event hosted by me, Julia Wagner.

-LEARN about your Soul’s HISTORY by tapping into a past life.

-MANIFEST your IDEAL PATH by peeking at your Soul’s FUTURE.

-CHECK INTO an ALTERNATE REALITY and receive messages from your OTHER SELVES (cue spooky music) !!!!!!

Answers are Healing, and YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Pregnancy, Miscarriage, and Abortion- A Quantum Perspective.

I was young, beautiful, and just married to a “knight in shining armor”.  We were in Spain in the 1600s.  Life was perfect.  Except as a new bride I was alone for the first time.  My husband was away with the military, who were negotiating politics with distant lands. 

Session Experience- The Life of a Flower

In this Beyond Quantum Healing session the scene starts with my client saying, “I’m liquid. The insects are eating me.” Which, I admit, at first might sound a bit gruesome! But I know enough from my experience to keep asking questions and see what evolves. She went on, describing her impressions- her internal “energy”, howContinue reading “Session Experience- The Life of a Flower”

Focus on the Feminine- A Samhain BQH Session

I had a feeling any session I did on Halloween would be super charged.  I was not wrong! The client came seeking focus- In her career, her finances, her personal life- she felt scattered. Plus she had an aversion to “being seen”. Great topics for a quantum healing session; often the subconscious mind has helpfulContinue reading “Focus on the Feminine- A Samhain BQH Session”

Session Experience: The Power of the VOICE

I want to share my own experience from 4 years ago, which led up to me facilitating this, my first full session outside of QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) class. I’d just arrived in Atlanta, GA for QHHT training.   The first hostel I booked had canceled my reservation at the last minute. The hostelContinue reading “Session Experience: The Power of the VOICE”

One Smile and One Hello:  A Client’s Quantum Healing Experience

She wants a community but can’t seem to find her people. We asked her Soul, “What is the source of this blockage?” during her BQH-Beyond Quantum Healing session. She was shown the life of a farmer, Bill. They were poor, but despite their simple farm they grew herbs to help ailing community members. When theirContinue reading “One Smile and One Hello:  A Client’s Quantum Healing Experience”