Event: 6/15-Your Past, Parallel, and Future Lives

Notice the connections weaving throughout your Soul’s Tapestry & connect to your many aspects during this live Zoom event hosted by me, Julia Wagner.

-LEARN about your Soul’s HISTORY by tapping into a past life.

-MANIFEST your IDEAL PATH by peeking at your Soul’s FUTURE.

-CHECK INTO an ALTERNATE REALITY and receive messages from your OTHER SELVES (cue spooky music) !!!!!!

Answers are Healing, and YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Align and Expand

I was called to lead a gathering on 12/12/21. What is special about this time from 12/12/21 through 12/21/21? There are eight astral bodies in alignment on 12/12/21:  Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pallas, the Moon,Uranus and Ceres We can use this greater alignment as a template with which to align ourselves. Add a meteor showerContinue reading “Align and Expand”