My Spiritual Path

I use many different labels to describe my spiritual beliefs; here I share my thinking.

My earliest label was “Atheist”.

I still frequently represent myself as an Atheist, since I can quite easily define what some call “God” as the entire universe, or “All That Is“.

I tend to think of all matter being made of “Units of Consciousness“, CU as Seth calls them. Edgar Cayce has the term “life essence“. This isn’t easily quantifiable but may be infinitely divided, expanded, or rearranged, just as one divides water from a pond into as many or as few droplets or vessel as is appropriate. These are the building blocks of all matter, inert or otherwise.

Emergence Theory hypothesizes that all matter originates from the SAME SOURCE, a certain type of particle that contains the building blocks of all the others. Using this science we see the unity of the creative force, as well as how it expands by dividing.

If we want to divide the whole into two parts, we can easily do that.

In Taoism we observe the yin and yang functions- passive energy as it compares to active energy, dark and light. In Japanese Buddhism duality is labeled “myoho“.

I also come from a Pagan background (intuitive as opposed to formal or structured) where we see the duality of the system represented with the “Divine Feminine” and the “Divine Masculine“, Moon and Sun aspects, etc.

The great thing about Pantheism, is that the functions of the universe can be divided even in many different ways. A common number is 12, like signs in the standard zodiac, or 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching.

The Sri Yantra and the Gohonzon are both cosmic diagrams depicting specific aspects of these divisions of “All That Is”.

If we divide the whole even further, we get ourselves. Each person is a God or Goddess in their own right, containing the macrocosm of the universe within each cell, each breath, each interaction. I believe when we realize this, and make a determination to honor it, the law of attraction is engaged and works for the mutual benefit of all these functions, defined or undefined.

I can label this as a determination to live in alignment with “the way” as when Christ says ‘I am “the way”‘. So much as I strive to be “Christ-like“, I can identify as a Christian, as well, and I occasionally do- to the dismay of many that may define Christianity differently!

I will likely keep expanding my identity as I learn more, because it helps to compare and contrast beliefs in order to participate in meaningful dialogue transcending jargon (Although the jargon can be helpful when interacting with others studying the same system in depth, like computer programmers working together to write code, using the same language is valuable) .

I identify most thoroughly as someone who practices Nichiren Buddhism, and studies the Lotus Sutra. I find this system most fully encompasses my observations, and takes them to the next level of engagement by offering a practice to activate the desire to keep seeking. Plus it emphasizes that everything we need can be found by looking WITHIN.

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