Session Experience: Judgment

The theme explored was that of JUDGMENT.

The theme explored was that of JUDGMENT.

She was guided to see a red lake of fire. She noticed a large, solid metal wall, and gates enclosing a hellish landscape behind them.  Within the oppressive wall stood a prison of blinking TREES. Yes, the trees had EYES.

As she approached, the gates slammed shut.  She wasn’t allowed to enter, nor did she want to.

This place was the place of Judgment.

This place was the place of Judgment.

“The rain is going up. It’s almost like time is moving backward…

The rain is going up into the sky!”

The Human Eye Magnified

“Where does the rain come from?,” I inquired.

“I think they are tears.”

Cries came from inside the gates, and she witnessed beings who were stuck in the trees of judgment going through tortuous motions. 

They danced, they cried, they were “tied” to the trees by their own judgment.

“I feel so sorry for them. But they have trapped themselves.”

Their tears fell toward the heavens, stuck, seemingly, even in time.  The trees blinked.

Suddenly, one of the beings was released.

What happened? How did they escape?

They released THEMSELVES.

They stopped judging.

They believed themselves capable, and simply flew away.

The gates slammed shut with a resounding finality. 

Once you’ve learned this lesson, you can never go back:

When we don’t judge, we fly.

Photo by Helena Lopes on

After she visited that lifetime, we contacted her subconscious mind, or “higher self”. How do we rid ourselves of judgment? I asked.

“Shake it off.  You know a dog after a swim? or the Taylor Swift song?  Just shake it off.”

Her higher self went on to say this emotion of “judgment” is stored in her heart and in her solar plexus, and acts like a fire.

It was started by the judgment of others, but she sees it’s now being fueled by judgment of her own ‘imperfections’. Easy fix, she doesn’t care what others think now, and she sees her “imperfections” as part of who she is.

The subconscious mind helped her to burn away the thoughts that weren’t serving her, then washed that area clean, eliminating any remaining flames and all the ashes with a tsunami-like flood. Nothing is left there.

“Is there something that can go into that area that would better serve her?” I asked

The color PINK, and the affirmation:
I am love and I am to be loved.
I am love and I give love.

Will this help her to “fly” in this lifetime?

It’s time. Now she can just jump.  She’s ready.  She was soaking up information in that life and she’s a sponge in this life. 

She flew in that lifetime, she can fly in astral form NOW. 

“Just jump.  You’ll be fine!  You’ll LOVE it!”


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Quantum Healing with Julia
5D Expansion Services
Lawrence, Kansas

Hello, I’m Julia Wagner!

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