Session Experience: Essence

My client came seeking EXPANSION.

What did he experience during his QHHT session?

  • He was DIRT and was a PART of SOMETHING BIGGER.
  • He was WATER and experienced FLUIDITY.
  • He was SPACE and became OPEN.
  • He was LIGHT and learned about MOVEMENT.
  • He was COLOR where he embodied DIVERSITY.

This was his lifetime as “ESSENCE”.

His Higher Self went on to explain,


As he spoke, his body shifted, and energy flowed through him time and time again. He explained CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS was being allowed in. He even looked like Jesus on the cross, chest out, hands up, but he seemed to be in a blissful state of expansion.

The pops and cracks of his body adjusting during his “Christ pose” were remarkable. I’ve never seen, or heard, anything like it. He said he’s very physical in his own work, but what happened, physically, in this session surprised even him!

It’s always an honor to witness and facilitate such an session. I’m amazed every time.

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