John Jervis, Remembered

John Jervis impacted the lives of people from all walks of life. This page is dedicated to sharing memories,
resources, upcoming events, and for his friends, family, and fans to connect with his legacy.

John Jervis 1/1/44-3/26/21

Lightbox Image and photo by Dave Lowenstein

“I’m not ignoring you, I’m waiting for you.”
John Jervis

The Celebration of John’s life will begin at 5:30pm 6/19 at Clinton Park, 999 W. 5th Street behind Pinkney school. Arrive as early as 5:00. Confirm your attendance or become involved through the Facebook event link: Celebration of John P. Jervis Jr.

If you’d like to be involved with John’s services or would like to share pictures or stories on this page you can also contact me (Julia Wagner) at Please share your stories by commenting below, or on any of the platforms mentioned.

Friends, family and “patrons” -as he called his supporters- were extremely
important to John. He thanks you in all dimensions.

Links and Resources

Lawrence Journal World Article 2013 Phoenix Awards: Classical guitarist finds life certainty in music

John Jervis Classical Guitar
Recordings on YouTube

Kansas Public Radio –
Tribute to John Jervis

Kansas Public Radio | Your place for NPR News, Classical, and Jazz

“You can eat at McDonald’s or you can eat at Maxines; the choice is yours.”

“It’s not a matter of whether the glass is half full or half empty, but did you enjoy the first half, and do you plan to enjoy the second half?” – John Jervis

“Mastering martial arts and mastering the guitar involve the same 8 principles; there’s no difference whatsoever.

“Why are you on the ground with the snakes when you are an eagle, and have wings?”

“Learn three words a day in a foreign language, common words. You’ll be able to talk to ANYONE within a year”

“If you do something everyday for 6 months you’ll be proficient. If you do it for a year, you can teach it.”

Advice to Peter Tork, his roomate, before an audition: “Show yourself, don’t sell yourself.

I live half my life under the bridge, and half under the chandelier.”

I’m a child of criminals and cannibals; I’ve seen it all. A bad experience is no reason to reject goodness.

  • John at about 10 months
  • at about 3 months old.
  • at about 4 months old.
  • John being held by his Aunt Mary pictured with his mother, Rita.
  • Rare pictures of John with an electric guitar!

John & Kris Kristofferson

John and Kris Kristofferson played the same venue together- The Ottawa Opera House in Ottawa, Canada- for several weeks. On this particular evening John had just finished his set and
Kristofferson had just taken the stage.

Kristofferson made the mistake of saying, “And now, for some real music…”

…From the side of the stage, John described to me casually motioning toward the insulting personage. He shot what he called “psychic energy” at the stage. Kristofferson LEAPT straight up and squealed in a high pitched voice:

“No,” John replied,
“But the closest you’ll ever get!”

The audience saw all of this. They stood up, turned toward John, and gave him a
standing ovation.

The next evening the proprietor of the establishment insisted on introducing John saying, “And now, STILL AT LARGE- John Jervis.

  • John’s parents, John P. Jervis, Sr. and Rita Clarke, three pics.
  • John’s grandmother Annie Johnson and
  • his grandfather, Harry Clarke
  • John’s aunts and uncle, from left to right: Irene, Rita (mother), Shirley, Harry
  • Later years. Uncle Harry, Aunt Irene,
  • Aunt Shirley
  • Mother Rita and Uncle Harry
  • John P. Jervis, Sr. – He looks like Admiral Jervis.

  • Pictures of Admiral John Jervis, (1/9/1735-3/13/1823) First Earl of St. Vincent, Jervis ancestor and from whence John receives his title. As striking as John’s own resemblance to the admiral was, he said his father was the spitting image.
  • Admiral Jervis was presented with many honors, many portraits and busts were made, and his image was placed on coinage.
  • Here is additional geneology for the Jervis family.

  • The exclusive featured astrologer & reader of the National Convention of Published American Astrologers for 7 consecutive years… who co-mingled with and read for the greats (i.e. Elizabeth Hickey and Laurie Cabot).
  • An Astrology clock I recently gifted to John, showing placements for 1/1/44, John’s birth date. His mother won a $1,000 prize for having the first baby born in the new year.
  • Picture with Jen Mathies as the Nelson Museum in Kansas City, 10/2020
  • Experiences, accurate predictions made by John, and testimonials from amazed clients.
  • John Jervis and Yeshe Chodron, 11/18/2017
John Jervis (1735-1823), 1st Earl of St Vincent, 1851. Jervis was an admiral in the Royal Navy. (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)

John’s wife was upset that he gambled, so he made her a bet. He’d put $300 on the table by the next morning, or he’d stop gambling. He counted out 8 dollars and told his wife to set it aside. He kept $6 for his bets.

He went to the track and won $146 on two $3 tickets.

The next morning he asked his wife for the $8, counted out his $292, and presented her with the $300, as promised. She didn’t complain to him about his gambling again.

John’s mental alacrity and acute perception were demonstrable.

John and his wife shared an apartment in a large building. One evening while his wife was taking a bath, John noticed a “shift” in pressure in the apartment.

“Come out here,”  He called to her with excitement in his voice, “Look at this!  It’s AMAZING, you have to come right now!!”

She got out of her bath.  At that very moment, the ceiling collapsed, and the bathtub from the upstairs apartment came crashing down onto where she’d JUST been bathing. It’s safe to say it would have killed her had she stayed there.

John  “heard” this about to happen. He knew if he’d tried to explain it to her; she’d take too long to THINK about what he was saying, and she’d have been crushed under the weight of the tub.  He knew he’d have to trick her, and he did so by appealing to her sense of curiosity, rather than exciting her senses of apprehension. 

John compared this to an event from history. 

It’s said that composer Franz Joseph Haydn “heard” the ceiling of the opera begin to cave in during the premier of his symphony.  He prompted  the audience to move forward – saying they would be able to HEAR the composition better. Just then, the chandelier came crashing down, and due to his encouragement no one was harmed.  That symphony is called the Miracle Symphony because no one was injured due to his own quick thinking and appropriate action. 

Wow.  It was amazing, wasn’t it? 
It occurs to me that he wasn’t lying to his wife at all. 😉

One thought on “John Jervis, Remembered

  1. El Maestro John Jervis was a great friend and I miss him dearly. When I was League Director of the Lawrence Tennis Association and hosted a World Team Tennis league on Sunday afternoons at the Lawrence High School tennis courts from April-October 2012-14, El Maestro Jervis would play his guitar for us on court #8 as we played tennis. It added a touch of class that those who were lucky enough to experience will always remember. I sent some photos to the founder of WTT, and Billie Jean King herself was charmed! His memory will always be a blessing to me!

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