My Starseed Origins

“I want to go home.” As long as I can remember, I’d say this to my parents.

They didn’t understand…

Honestly, neither did I. I could remember a warm, purple place. It felt like a nursery where young souls were birthed and cared for. I longed to feel that same sense of security and support. I wanted to “Go HOME.” This place felt surreal, backwards, and nothing here made sense.

At the same time I felt “blessed”. I realized I was able to influence my own reality. I made my self sick, and cured myself frequently throughout my youth. I remember CLEARLY manifesting Chickenpox while my mother tried to figure out where in the heck it came from. No one else was sick?! A few times I “messed up” and didn’t cure myself in time for my mother to allow me to attend a field trip or an event. I realized that others didn’t necessarily trust my own sense of “health”, or my realizations.

It didn’t take long to push those feelings aside to be replaced with normal childhood pursuits and realizations. I never stopped saying “I want to go home.” I still say it, but now there’s a difference. I now recognize the validitiy of this place, and this feeling, and I can actually go there when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the “Earth experience”. How did I find this place, this frequency, of “home”?

QHHT. There were many other steps, but having my own Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session unlocked the abilities I used to integrate these other experiences.

My first QHHT session didn’t involve anything interplanetary- it was very terrestrial. I was a woman from Germany in 1860s Kansas. I followed my husband to the New World and was homesick for my country and my mother. Even though that life was mundane it adressed several issues I’d brought to the session.

I was able to keep expanding my views using tools like meditation, the Kasina Mind Machine system, hypnosis and dreams. By simply listening to what comes through, my perspective becomes broader and broader.

First impressions…

Shortly after I’d completed my QHHT training in Atlanta, I decided to use my Kasina Mind Machine. This is a device that uses triggers the optic nerve by using flashing LEDs which stimulates a trance state and colorful visuals. Beside entertainment, I noticed this device could trigger spontaneous other life experiences.

I was on a ship with a crew. There were all different types of beings wearing either silver or blue uniforms. We were repairing space time. I was occupied with color, and angles. My job was to position colored square tiles at 90 degree angles in order to “repair” a tear in the fabric of time. Another team member helped by using the correct frequency, and it seemed like this “glitch” was both natural AND influenced by the actions of beings. I was tall, female, and had thick, mane like, hair. I recognized a team mate as a combination of two partners from THIS life. Interesting. I know consciousness is fluid-it doesn’t have limits- but it’s neat to feel TWO familiar souls in ONE body.

My dream, my cat, and the big “w”…

Months went by before the next piece of the puzzle came through. One morning I was dreaming. I kept coming in and out of consciousness. I was dreaming of the stars, and kept seeing a constellation that formed a big W. It was a pattern. I’d see the big “w” shape, I’d hear the phrase “seven star system” and I’d wake up to my cat, Tsim-Kyan-Kse, who was meowing at me, concerned.

I’d see the big “w” formation of stars. I’d hear: “seven star system”. I’d wake up. My cat Tsimi was meowing at me.

This happened half dozen times. So by the time I woke up for the day, I couldn’t forget the “w” or the phrase ‘seven star system”. It was clear to me that this was a message. So I decided to use my favorite divination tool- Google. I typed in “seven star system” and was not disappointed. The big “W” was unmistakably Cassiopeia! I knew this was the region of space with which I most closely identified. I felt it.

Side note: It doesn’t seem like mere coincidence that the nearest star is called Tsih and my cat is named Tsim; I’m curious what her role in this process might be.

I looked into this star system and when I saw the purple nebula I knew this was my home! The nursery! I kept reading as I reached out with my mind.

I saw an explosion near Cassiopeia . A supernova. I saw a man on Earth. This man saw this same explosion. At the same time as he witnessed this magical cosmic event the man had a thought. The thought was “I’d like to have a child”. The thought became a twinkle in his eye. That twinkle was a reflection of the supernova he saw. His desire PULLED the me- or the “me” that was attached to that spec of stardust from the explosion. I was drawn to that man, and integrated with his body to help him accomplish his desire.

Being human…

I didn’t incarnate as a human right away; rather I observed what it was like for the man and his family. He did soon have a child, several even. I’d wait two or three generations before I was brave enough to more fully embody into a human being- the woman from Germany who followed her husband to 1860s Kansas… I’ve learned a couple things since then.

  • It was much harder than it looked from the outside. Emotions weren’t something I could simply witness anymore, I had to FEEL them.
  • The less I ran from FEELING the emotions, and the more I trusted my humanity, the easier it was to navigate this very ‘alien” experience.
  • My mission isn’t singular, it’s multidimensional. What I do in THIS life, and what I experienced in my past life as that woman is directly related to the bigger assignments I take on.
  • Consciousness is fluid. During my QHHT session I was able to move perspectives between myself as that woman, and the perspective of her husband. I chose to focus on the woman and come back to see the life of the husband at another time.

The bigger picture…

What is the take away? For one, that all these things- my past lives, my current life, and my future lives- these are all happening NOW. I can see the thread that weaves through my different expressions, figuratively an literally- and I’ll talk more about the OTHER dimensions of what I do as a “dream weaver” a synesthesiologist, and as an Earth timeline editor. It relates to what I’m doing with my team in space. And my ancestry- I’m not JUST from Cassiopeia. Like most others, I identify as an amalgamation of energies. Conscioussness is fluid after all! Stay tuned, more to come!

Nothing is wasted, and everything is connected. What does that mean? By following ONE experience, MANY can be revealed. It just takes the willingness to focus. Anyone can do it. (read more about the multidimensional nature of experience here)

It helps to have a facilitator skilled at asking the right questions for your journey. If you are interested in expanding more into your sense of purpose or embodying your humanity, contact me today!
Facebook: QHHT- Quantum Healing with Julia

To read about more quantum experiences:

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