A Surprising QHHT Session: Say the Magic Words!

It was September 2019.
I’d just arrived in Atlanta, GA for QHHT training.  
The hostel I’d booked months in advance cancelled my reservation.
Last minute I found a place.
It was $18 a night and it showed.
There were four people sleeping in one room.

The hostel was, well: hostile.  One guest was in the shared space yelling.  So I sat on the porch. Even THAT environment was highly charged.

Police sirens were blaring nearby.
Dogs were barking. 
People were yelling from inside AND in the distance, outside.

I could hear “chaos” all around me.  I was exhausted from travel so I sat there on the porch, crying. I’d just navigated airports, metros, busses, and finally walked about a mile to find the room. Honestly, I just wanted to sleep.


From the house next door, I just barely heard a voice.  I listened. 
The voice was steady- He was chanting
The mantra was smooth and melodic.  

Immediately the environment responded.  Like a dimmer switch works on a light bulb, I noticed this person’s voice worked to mellow out the ambient vibrations.  It seemed to affect the whole neighborhood.  I could almost “see” the ripples moving outward, creating harmony out of disharmony.

Sigh.  Maybe I would be okay. Maybe the next week wouldn’t be so bad.


The next night after my first day of QHHT class I was walking from the bus stop back to that same hostel.

As I approached, I noticed the neighbor standing on the porch.  Assuming this must be the owner of the voice, I decided to thank him.  He was young, bright eyed, dark skinned, and he spoke with an energy I really resonated with. He instantly felt like family.

I told him I noticed what he did with his voice.  His chanting really worked!

I mentioned that I, too, chanted a mantra.  I told him I used “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”.

Well if he didn’t just about jump out of his shoes.

RENGE SISTER!”  He emoted, and we realized we were both Nichiren Buddhists.

Then he tells me about the hostel I’m staying in- it used to be HIS home.
“Where you sleep.  That is where my Gohonzon (sacred altar) used to be placed-exactly there.”  He used to live there… 

“It’s not by chance you came HERE and we found each other.” he emphasized.

So I told him all about what I was doing in town; that I was studying QHHT.
He was familiar with some of the presenters, and he was interested in having a QHHT session himself. OMG- PERFECT.  I needed 25 sessions for certification.

So after I’d studied for about a week, I settled down with my script, and he settled into a comfortable position. It was time for his session.

Finishing the induction, I asked for his impressions.


All of a sudden, he was a young boy, being punished for reaching for his toy on a hot stove. 

Interesting.  I wasn’t sure if this was a scene from THIS life, or something from another time.  Now, I’m comfortable enough facilitating these experience, I’d likely just ask, but at the time I was scared I’d pull him out of trance if I asked too many questions. Remember, this was the first time I’d done this with someone who wasn’t a fellow facilitator.  I might have been a LITTLE nervous! 🙂 

After a few moments I asked him to move to another scene.  There he explored a connection he has to a friend in this life.

Next, I asked him to move to the “last day of that life” following the QHHT script (not really knowing “which” life I MEANT, haha!) and before I knew it- he described being at a festival. There were all sorts of people from all sorts of places.  That didn’t really sound like a “death” scene- but it sounded like there was a lot of information there.  What was happening at this festival?

“There is so much life there.  I see a tent.  Someone is motioning.  I’m going inside the tent.” 

He described being invited into a tent to have a conversation with a Native American elder.  This is the recording of that conversation.

Here, I allowed his Soul to speak unfettered for a while, then ask if he is able to translate. Not every session involves my client speaking in tongues, but it does show he’s in a deeply connected state.

Would YOU like help accessing greater levels of understanding, acceptance, and change? Quantum healing helps with all those things, and more. Message me at 5dquantumexpansion@gmail.com to plan your session. Subscribe to receive alerts about other quantum experiences and exercises.

You are worth it!

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