A Fly Guy (Finally) Comes To Life!



I just helped to bring a dead a fly back to life.

I noticed him in yesterday’s coffee cup between 7 and 8am this morning.


Big dead fly upside down.  It’s not unusual to find a fly in a cup of coffee, but I made a mental note of seeing him.

It was a bit before 1pm when I decided to dump out yesterday’s cup. 

I noticed his dead body in there a second time, and wondered about him.

I considered:  Did he want to die like this? Seems unlikely.

I had the idea:

What if I could bring him back to life?

A friend has done similar things with plants.  “There’s nothing to lose”, I thought.  “If he can do it, why couldn’t I?”

So instead of pouring him down the drain, I rinsed the coffee off of his body and set him on the bathroom sink.

I left him there off and on while I did some other things, knowing this is likely all just silly.  

But I do silly things all the time,  Plus it’s my day off. I’m SUPPOSED to do something silly, even.

Keep in mind, I’d handled this fly a LOT trying to get him in a “good” position. If he was simply unconscious, I’d think I’d have seen SOME movement.  Nope.  NOTHING.  He seemed VERY dead.

I took a pic and told my friend-the one who’d witness plants heal- that I was trying to bring this fly back to life…

That was at 12:43, according to the message.

Why not?

I made my coffee and meditated on what to do.

What if the fly didn’t want to come back to life?  What if this body was too damaged?

I considered a few options as I realized I wasn’t trying to create or prolong suffering. Even as much as I felt in my Soul: THIS FLY WAS GOING TO MOVE AGAIN- I wanted to be sure this was “okay”.  Permission seems important with these things.

I could “see” it happening in my mind’s eye so clearly.  I could “see” him moving.  But in reality, he was staying as still as a picture.

So I talked to my spirits about our options.

One spirit who’s been with me for years I “just so happen” to call “Fly Guy” for a number of reasons.  One reason is because he’s so tiny.

To make a long story short, Fly Guy is the spirit of a child I’d miscarried in another lifetime.  In that life, my husband died in wartime and the spirit occupying my womb decided to pass on physical incarnation. It seemed difficult. I’ve written about that lifetime here:

That doesn’t stop this spirit from connecting with me, however. 

Right now my child from that lifetime likes to take the form of “Baby Grut”.  He’s my little buddy.

That life was in the 16th? Century. He’s spent long time hovering around the physical realm. Was he ready to try a body?

So I asked my Baby, my Fly Guy if he’d considered incarnating into a body, recently.  Maybe he’d like this fly’s body?  I’ve been killing a lot of fruit flies lately and I hear that anything we kill stays with us, in our own body. 

So I offered these flies an opportunity to come back in a more evolved form.  

Would they take it?

I figured if they were to be convinced perhaps we’d make the body as inviting as possible

-I decided the frequency of 417 would be best for reanimation.  John Jervis always tuned to 417 htz because he implied it created change quickly/broke down negative obstacles. I set the dead fly’s body on my phone while playing the tone.

-I thought, “He needs light.”  

So I put the phone in the window.

-I found a ring the other day.  I’ve asked everyone if it’s theirs, but nope. It belongs to me, apparently.  When I meditate on it I hear, “It’s from Lady Athena”.  Okay.  Well I heard I was supposed to use it to direct the sunlight into the fly’s corpse.

-At this point I’m sending a mental message to the flies:  “Anyone who wants to occupy THIS body, now’s your chance”.  I asked Fly Guy if he was ready and I SWEAR Babt Grut LITERALLY WINKED at me.  No lie.  I started to consider more seriously, “Maybe this will work?”


I believe all those things DID help set the right tone for what happened next-

Another memory came back, with full emotional recall…

I remembered when I incarnated on Earth. 
I was just a Sparkle in a man’s eye. His loving desire to have a child is what BROUGHT me here.  It’s what allowed me to embody.  I’ve tapped into this memory before, but this was a bit different.  This time besides just feeling the man’s emotions and hearing his thoughts, I could ALSO feel the PURE ENERGY there in that man’s left eye as he was mesmerized by a meteor shower.

“Coincidentally” I woke up with my left eye swollen today.   Normally this has to do with “cat allergy” but there’s no obvious cause, either.  I looked for energetic reasons/cures.
I’d asked another energy healer for help with uncovering/releasing the energy from that swollen eye.  We’d spoken about past lives, loves, and vows.  I mentioned I had vowed never to love ONLY one person again, after I’d lost my husband then miscarried our child in that past life.  Ironically, it’s been this vow that’s been limiting me from loving more fully.  Since this healer helped direct this energy outward I can feel the blockage is dissolving. I’m still using this “swelling” to reflect on how better to accept myself and how to stay focused on the NOW instead of “seeing the past” (the left eye might often be associated with the past, or with focusing on what has already happened).



As I pointed my ring
– the ring Lady Athena gifted me- at his little lifeless body

and remembered the sparkle in the man’s eye that pulled me into a human form,  I cried. 
I cried thinking about losing my child. 
I cried remembering how I’d vowed “never again” would I ever have a child.  

But here we are, together even NOW.  Even NOW I’m asking my child to come back to me in the form of this little creature.

At that very moment, as I thought that?  

He did.  

He DID come back to me!!

His little leg started moving. 

My Fly Guy came to life!

He sat on my finger for the longest time, seemingly dazed and confused.

He seemed to want to stay on my finger, but eventually I convinced him to climb onto the computer, so I could do things like take pictures and type about what has just happened. he seemed to like the energy port.  Not too long after that? At about 1:30? He flew off.  He’s still buzzing around the apartment as I type this.  

My little fellow. My Fly Guy! I hear him buzzing…

All this wisdom from such a tiny soul.  And you know what?  I could have just poured him down the drain with my coffee.  

Here’s the video I made as soon as I could move the little dude off of my phone.

(A few minutes after I wrote this I asked him if he wanted to stay inside or go out and explore the world?  I mentioned to him that if he wanted to go “out”, he could fly to the door.  Well, the little guy seemed excited at this proposition and literally flew INTO me and SMACKED me HARD as he made his way to the door to be let out. I was roaring with laughter, as you might imagine.  I assured him if he wants back in I’ll let him back in if I notice him land on the door. But I haven’t noticed him, so my guess is that he’s happy enough being a FLY for now.)

Feel a bit “dead” inside and need some resuscitation? Quantum Healing can help. Message me for more information or to schedule your appointment. If this little fly is worth the effort? Guess what? SO ARE YOU!!!!


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