Clients with Notable Lives: Interviewing Dorothy Dix

Posted on Facebook 7/20/23

A friend came over today, and she was reading her Mayan astrology to me.

As she was describing the traits of the “Owl”, I noticed her hair was bunched up. It looked like a hair do from the 60’s- like a beehive.

The astrology was interesting- all the traits seemed spot on. She even collects Owls. Except one thing seemed really “off”.

It said she was “status driven”.

That didn’t really resonate with what I knew about this friend, one of my closest pals. Maybe she was growing into a new status, or lifestyle?

This curiosity prompted me to ask, “Is there a lifetime or perspective you can find that relates to being “status driven”?

She’s done a LOT of this work, and she generally jumps right in, so that’s all the prompting I gave her.

“I’m not getting anything.”

We hadn’t done ANY induction, or set ANY parameters for the journey, so I reassured her and told her to take her time.

We both relaxed, to let the information come through.

Meanwhile I started getting impressions, and tears started streaming down my face.

I saw her in that same hairdo, with cat-eye glasses, wearing a 50s/60s style dress, tight at the waist and flaring out. She looked very NEAT.

I saw her writing. She was taking notes. Jotting things down in that life.

I was still crying, barely able to speak to say:

“…the lifetime where you were an advice columnist.”

I was OVERWHELMED with emotion and my voice cracked.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah.. but this information MUST be REAL otherwise I wouldn’t be crying. It doesn’t seem like a sad life. You look the same, but you have a beehive hairdo”

Before long, she started remembering that lifetime, and was telling me about her garden. Her flowers.

Her dislikes: She hated wearing clumsy stockings.

Her home:

She absolutely LOVED her avocado green and orange decor.


She wanted to be a serious writer, but she’d been given the role of advice columnist. She was very successful, and achieved a high social status, despite not following her primary passion. Instead, she threw herself into what she was doing. She was good at it.

She was happy.

And then her tone became serious.


“I don’t like the color orange in THIS life.” She said,

“I died looking at an orange wall.”

“How long were you trapped before you left your body?” I asked.

“Three days.”

Wow. Well, no wonder she doesn’t like orange.


I asked her Soul

❓ What was that “Stuck” energy causing her to do in THIS life?

✅ It was making her look for help from other people, when she is capable of being more independent.

❓What has that “Stuck” feeling been preventing her from doing?

✅It has been causing her not to stay in one place. She’s moved a LOT in this life.

Now she can stop searching for help. She can stay in one place as long as it makes sense.

And guess what we did next?

We looked up how to style a beehive hairdo.


That was just a casual conversation. My friend decided to follow up by having a full Beyond Quantum Healing session. These in depth experiences allow clients to more fully explore the Soul’s connections and wisdom.

The Life of Dorothy Dix

In THIS life she finds herself cursing randomly- even when nothing is wrong- saying out loud

“I want a divorce”.

But guess what?

She isn’t married.

Hmm?  Sounds like a job for Quantum Healing! When we have reactions, and don’t have a CONSCIOUS memory of what’s causing this, it’s time to explore the subconscious mind.

With the intention of finding this connection, I guided her to explore her feelings of “I want to get out of here”.

She had a hunch about a lifetime we’d glimpsed before: The life on an advice columnist, Dorothy Dix.

She went easily into that life, telling me, “I married young.   I should have waited,” and described that troubled relationship.

It was the 1930s. Her husband suffered from mental illness, was an alcoholic, and was living a homosexual lifestyle.  He didn’t love himself, let alone her.  Beth, on the other hand was driven, was focused on the positive things in life, and wanted children someday.  That clearly wasn’t going to happen with her husband. “I should have had the marriage annulled right away.” she said in hindsight.

But she hadn’t.

“I married my stepmother’s brother. It would have been awkward leaving” she explained further. So she never was divorced.

She was a writer.  A pretty famous advice columnist- on MARRIAGE of all things! Doris Dix. Dorthy. But I could call her “Beth”, she said. “That’s what everyone calls me”.

I asked about her marriage. What was her husband like?

“I’d never met anyone like him.  My family was always so positive.  Nothing was wrong in his life.  He had everything he needed.  But it didn’t seem to matter.  He is unhappy all the time.  I don’t know what is wrong with him, but he is never happy.”  He never worked or showed interest in anything except drinking, it seemed.

But in those days, the WWII era, divorce was frowned upon, and an advice columnist dare NOT make the suggestion to leave an unhappy union, let alone leave her own without backlash. 

She made do. 

Living with him was MISERABLE, so they stayed distant. They lived somewhat separate lives in different states for the most part.

“I’m good on my own”, seemed to the mantra that allowed her to keep pushing forward.

What did giving advice about marriage, while living in an unhappy marriage do to her own self-esteem?

“I feel so guilty.  I wish I could have been more honest.  People shouldn’t have to stay in unhappy marriages.”  She said.  This was obviously troubling her.

I asked her, “What do you think would have happened if you’d done that- Told people to leave their husbands- would you have been fired?” I wondered.

“Oh, most definitely”, was the answer.  That simply was NOT done.  “I’d tell women to move away, and give their husbands some space, but never to get divorced.” 

She took this role VERY seriously. She said sometimes she’d carry a letter with her for days, pondering the best response. Would she have changed anything?

“Maybe in my LAST column. I could have told women: Get a divorce if you are unhappy,” she imagined her new “sign off” and we inserted THAT energy into her past life.

“I did my best.” she sighed, as we compared and contrasted different options. She was starting to accept what I might call the “karma of that era”- Sometimes life forces us into doing things we don’t want to do. The ethics of the Soul, and the “best possible action” present in the world at any given moment don’t necessarily match. While it’s natural to feel some guilt, holding onto these judgements for too long isn’t the

Often, Souls choose experiences that promote actions somewhat contrary to their nature- like a person who can’t speak their truth or they will be punished. Why? Well, some lessons involve speaking the truth anyway, despite the punishment. Sometimes the purpose might involve learning how or when to stay quiet. Some lessons might involve clever ways to speak the truth without being punished. In that lifetime, her soul hinted she was learning how to manipulate people toward creating positive solutions through language. Did she do that?

Oh, she ABSOLUTELY made a positive impact. I started getting emotional as we spoke about her readers. She affected a lot of people. I could FEEL these women wanting to thank her- they wanted to take away her guilt. She DID help them.

“Knowing you’d have been fired, or not hired at all if you’d been totally honest- Can you see all the people you DID help- the people who followed your advice and were better off for it?  Can you see those people? Realize, those people wouldn’t have received your help, if you’d been TOO direct, would they?”

At that very moment I saw a group of FIVE women coming forward and I started tearing up. Usually if I start crying, I’m channeling information. That started happening.

My voice cracked as I said, “They want to thank thank you so MUCH”. And before I was done with the sentence I felt their gratitude POURING in…  I saw these women absolutely SHOWERING my client with golden light, thanking her.  I saw them filling in her solar plexus with golden rays of love.

It was like they owed their very LIVES to her.  I said, “I think you saved these women’s lives”, (now we are BOTH sobbing, which in my experience is an affirmation.  I said, “I think they got divorced anyway.  You didn’t have to TELL them to get divorced.”  (And I’m crying again as I type this, so YES, I hear).

I saw the energy from her DESIRE TO HELP- this energy is what saved them. They just needed her energetic support.  They read her column. She provided the encouragement to them.  The message was carried in her vibration-

When she writes: The specific words she uses are less important than the message her energy carries.

How is this helpful?  Well in this life she’s also a writer.  While in trance she said:  “I’m calling all my readers, from that other life to follow me now”  and I felt that happening like a wave building and crashing.  (Good idea, Soul!  I didn’t think of THAT?!!!) Here’s the link to her latest book, which was predicted in one of her previous sessions: Encountering Eyeshine

What other wisdom is available from THAT lifetime?

Well, in that lifetime she carried a notebook where her alter ego, “Doris” would keep notes, thoughts, and replies to readers. I told her- look in that notebook. (client’s name) wrote you a letter, asking for your advice. What is Doris’ reply?

“Love the people who love you back.” she says.

Her perspective as Beth can be used as a tool, helping her define her needs. NOW she’s able to fully take ownership of her relationships and take her own advice- to focus on those who are working toward common goals- including LOVE- to “Love the people who love you back.” As a compassionate person, it’s easy to put others first. But ultimately, when we compromise our values, it diminishes the value we create for others. In THIS lifetime she realizes having an aligned partner is PART of her role to help others and is determined put herself on the list of people to whom she’s devoted.

“That really helped.” she messaged me after, as I shared what I was planning on writing.

Do you have any thoughts, reactions, or triggers that don’t have obvious causes? Quantum healing tools allow us to look into these from multiple angles. Sound useful? It is. Message me to plan your own experience. You’re worth it- and so are the people you care about.

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