Meeting My Inner Guide- A Monday Meditation

I’m feeling the need to communicate.  Feeling “extra”. I want to talk all the time. I feel the need to purge the abundance of expression inside me. I want to word vomit all over the place.  Those are the phrases that keep popping into my head as I try to define how I feel, ‘off’ this day.Continue reading “Meeting My Inner Guide- A Monday Meditation”

Furry 5D Friends

Both cats help me prepare for sessions by charging my crystals and setting up the space. Usually that means jumping under the covers as I’m making the bed. They love to lay on, or in Favorite’s case scratch at my notes. Like most cats, they are natural healers and empaths.

Faith and Science

That intuitive part, thought of as the “right brain” helps us to become centered. In deep trance even conscious patterns of resistance tend to unravel. When we learn to listen, and trust our observations, we have access to the greatest scientific tools in the galaxy, our senses.

Journey to Meet the Buddha

Lili’s comforting voice guided me to the most relevant time, and place: I was a monk walking on a rocky mountain path with my spiritual brothers.  Some were wearing red and some were wearing yellow.  I was wearing a white robe, was about 20, male, brown, and very small.  We were watching small animals, particularlyContinue reading “Journey to Meet the Buddha”

My Spiritual Path

My earliest label was “Atheist”. I still frequently represent myself as an Atheist, since I can quite easily define what some call “God” as the entire universe, or “All That Is“. I tend to think of all matter being made of “Units of Consciousness“, CU as Seth calls them. Edgar Cayce has the term “lifeContinue reading “My Spiritual Path”