John Jervis, Remembered

“I’m not ignoring you, I’m waiting for you.” –John Jervis The Celebration of John’s life will begin at 5:30pm 6/19 at Clinton Park, 999 W. 5th Street behind Pinkney school. Arrive as early as 5:00. Confirm your attendance or become involved through the Facebook event link: Celebration of John P. Jervis Jr. If you’d likeContinue reading “John Jervis, Remembered”

Session Experience: Other Dimensions and The Tapestry of Life

Next, she floated, saying she felt like “Dark Matter”.
She was pure potential, swimming like a whale through the cosmos.
Where was she going?

“I’m going where they keep The Book of Knowledge.”

Session Experience: Judgment

The theme explored was that of JUDGMENT. She was guided to see a red lake of fire. She noticed a large, solid metal wall, and gates enclosing a hellish landscape behind them.  Within the oppressive wall stood a prison of blinking TREES. Yes, the trees had EYES. read more…

Faith and Science

That intuitive part, thought of as the “right brain” helps us to become centered. In deep trance even conscious patterns of resistance tend to unravel. When we learn to listen, and trust our observations, we have access to the greatest scientific tools in the galaxy, our senses.

Body Messages

When my body is speaking through discomfort, pain, or inflexibility, what is being communicated? How do I listen? Understanding the reason often helps us needing to repeat similar situations in the future.

11:11 and Spiritual Evolution

It’s About Synchronicity. Seeing 11:11, noticing synchronicity, and hearing your thoughts echoed on the radio or in a passing conversation, are all affirmations. Sometimes they can help us see that we are aligned with the right path, other times they remind us that something beyond our immediate senses operates for our benefit. Basically, synchronicity isContinue reading “11:11 and Spiritual Evolution”