My First QHHT Experience

I could FEEL the “ego” trying to get in the way. That was a huge insight. I could also FEEL the connection to the Higher Self. WOW! That might have been the most useful part of the session. Now I can establish that connection EASILY.

My Starseed Origins

I was on a ship with a crew. There were all different types of beings wearing either silver or blue uniforms. We were repairing space time. I was occupied with color, and angles.

Faith and Science

That intuitive part, thought of as the “right brain” helps us to become centered. In deep trance even conscious patterns of resistance tend to unravel. When we learn to listen, and trust our observations, we have access to the greatest scientific tools in the galaxy, our senses.

Body Messages

When my body is speaking through discomfort, pain, or inflexibility, what is being communicated? How do I listen? Understanding the reason often helps us needing to repeat similar situations in the future.