Faith and Science

How do the seemingly polarized concepts of faith and science overlap?

I’ve heard Buddhism compared many times to science, in the way that it is all about collecting data and noticing what WORKS.

In Buddhism, the data is sensory, and what “works” is what makes you feel aligned with your “Buddha nature” or Higher Self.

In QHHT we call this nature the “Subconscious Mind” and Carl Jung calls it the “Unconscious” or the “Collective Unconscious”. He noticed clients having access to uncanny knowledge while guiding them through deep trance states.

He noticed strange synchronicity occurring during his sessions, information and occurrences that went beyond statistically relevant chance. Read more about these uncanny happenings here:

Numbers in Sessions 11:11 and Spiritual Evolution

Dolores Cannon noticed the same qualities in her own hypnotherapy clients when they achieved deeper trance states. She began recording, repeating, and later teaching her method, “Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique” (QHHT) to others. I’m honored be a certified QHHT practitioner and to have learned this valuable method from her daughter, Julia Cannon.

Scientifically, it’s Alpha, Theta and Gamma brain state work. The more often we practice navigating these states consciously, the easier it is to repeat. For some people just one experience opens that door wide open, however most people notice their ability to enter and remain in an”aligned” state becomes refined with practice.

I have the Kasina Mind Machine, that uses flashing LEDs to visually trigger and sustain these altered brain states. For people who lack any “faith” at all, these offer a bridge between self reflection and entertainment.

It only takes a few days of focused meditation, a dynamic Mind Machine session or a few QHHT/BQH sessions to reveal or to strengthen that bond..

That intuitive part, thought of as the “right brain” helps us to become centered. In deep trance even conscious patterns of resistance tend to unravel. When we learn to listen, and trust our observations, we have access to the greatest scientific tools in the galaxy, our senses.

To paraphrase Nichiren, founder of Nichiren Buddhism,
A person can chant “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” a million times or chant it only ONCE and gain the accumulated wisdom of the Buddha.

In other words, the very moment we achieve the appropriate condition, our inner wisdom revealed. When you flip the switch, the light-bulb goes on.
Have you ever had an “aha!” moment? People may see a light flash, or experience any number of indications that information is being revealed.

With discernment, our capacity to sense can not only be used, but also expanded.

Photo by Pixabay on

One thing science and faith based observations have in common is deep seeded curiosity. It is pure joy to explore this world, its diversity, and its interactions.

Scientists, explorers, and healers all embrace tools that help us reveal broader perspectives. I have a few tools for expansion and masters know MANY. I’m always happy to share my OWN observations, with the intent to assist others in honing their OWN discernment.

Send me a message and we’ll talk about your goals. Or complete my quiz to see what quantum expansion tools are right for you!

If you are dedicated to health and expansion, so am I!

Message me to plan your quantum experience

Julia Wagner
Certified QHHT/BQH Practitioner,
Ordained Minister & Synesthesiologist

Five Clients, Fifteen Lives

More often than not, we’re being guided to follow our hearts, our paths, and our inner knowing. This week was no different, and these diverse perspectives- 15 lives in all-each revealed important messages for the collective.

My First QHHT Experience

I could FEEL the “ego” trying to get in the way. That was a huge insight. I could also FEEL the connection to the Higher Self. WOW! That might have been the most useful part of the session. Now I can establish that connection EASILY.

Session Experience: Evolution

“It sounds like you had a new thought, a new revelation right before you died. What has been happening during this session- what PROCESS have you been seeing?

“Evolution” she answered.

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