Wednesday’s Session:  Kick Over a New Rock

She saw her future self absolutely thriving, writing books and touching her readers with every copy sold. We saw her the niece in Frederick’s life is one of her children in this life, and using my own technique, how their “threads” intertwined in the Tapestry of Life.

Milestones, Connections, and Celebrations.

“One of these days, I’ll get on that train.” I think

I’m standing next to a covered wagon.  I run my fingertips up and down the wooden arches admiring their craftsmanship like a man might look at the mechanics of a fine race car in absolute awe.  This machine was made to travel.

I love what this stands for.

My Week in Quantum Healing…

As an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church I consider myself an advocate for lower and misguided energies. While I worked with these male energies from the liver and kidney, they each told us their names and I was able to guide these spirits into the light.  They now have peace.

Align and Expand

I was called to lead a gathering on 12/12/21. What is special about this time from 12/12/21 through 12/21/21? There are eight astral bodies in alignment on 12/12/21:  Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pallas, the Moon,Uranus and Ceres We can use this greater alignment as a template with which to align ourselves. Add a meteor showerContinue reading “Align and Expand”

My First QHHT Experience

I could FEEL the “ego” trying to get in the way. That was a huge insight. I could also FEEL the connection to the Higher Self. WOW! That might have been the most useful part of the session. Now I can establish that connection EASILY.

Session Experience: Evolution

“It sounds like you had a new thought, a new revelation right before you died. What has been happening during this session- what PROCESS have you been seeing?

“Evolution” she answered.