Clients with Notable Lives: Interviewing Dorothy Dix

In THIS life she finds herself cursing randomly- even when nothing is wrong- saying out loud

“I want a divorce”.

But guess what?
She isn’t married.

No Longer a Victim: A Whirlwind Session

Next we used an ego-states exercise to call up the part of her that was the “victim”.  She was an 11-year-old girl, who didn’t want to evolve because she wanted to protect her innocence and stay in the time before her abuse. She talked to this aspect of self, who had a magnet.  The magnet was fear, and the fear is what was attracting this abusive energy.  She turned her magnet into an eraser and wiped the slate clean.

My Week in Quantum Healing…

As an Ordained Minister with the Universal Life Church I consider myself an advocate for lower and misguided energies. While I worked with these male energies from the liver and kidney, they each told us their names and I was able to guide these spirits into the light.  They now have peace.

Affirm Your Soul

I’ve compiled some statements clients tell themselves under hypnosis while accessing their “Higher Self” or “Subconscious Mind”. Often they’ll talk in the third person. saying things like: “We’ve shown her the vibration of abundance; when she’s connected to Source she has access to everything she needs,”