Clients with Notable Lives: Interviewing Dorothy Dix

In THIS life she finds herself cursing randomly- even when nothing is wrong- saying out loud

“I want a divorce”.

But guess what?
She isn’t married.

Session Experience: The Psychic

I am absolutely  mesmerized by these people.  Their variety; their zeal for life and the way they instantly accept me as one of them.  I want to join them, no I am GOING to join them; and they accept me, without reservation! And even though I don’t know what I’d do to contribute, I know I can help somehow.

Session Experience: Evolution

“It sounds like you had a new thought, a new revelation right before you died. What has been happening during this session- what PROCESS have you been seeing?

“Evolution” she answered.

Your Session Recording

While some session information is immediately relevant and easy to recall, other types of understanding evolves over time and takes a future context or capacity to process.

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Session Experience: Essence

As he spoke, his body shifted, and energy flowed through him time and time again. He explained CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS was being allowed in. He even looked like Jesus on the cross, chest out, hands up, but he seemed to be in a blissful state of expansion.

Body Messages

When my body is speaking through discomfort, pain, or inflexibility, what is being communicated? How do I listen? Understanding the reason often helps us needing to repeat similar situations in the future.

Journey to Meet the Buddha

Lili’s comforting voice guided me to the most relevant time, and place: I was a monk walking on a rocky mountain path with my spiritual brothers.  Some were wearing red and some were wearing yellow.  I was wearing a white robe, was about 20, male, brown, and very small.  We were watching small animals, particularlyContinue reading “Journey to Meet the Buddha”